Does Khaddar Material Shrink? Understanding the Nature of Khaddar Fabric

Khaddar, also known as Khadi or Kamalia Khaddar, is a hand-spun and hand-woven natural fiber cloth that originates from Kamalia City, located in Punjab, Pakistan. Traditionally made from pure cotton, it has become a popular choice for wardrobes due to its skin-friendly properties and rustic charm. However, one common question among those who purchase or consider using khaddar is whether this material is prone to shrinking.The Khaddar Fabric’s Nature.

The Nature of Khaddar Fabric.

Breathability, durability, and comfort are hallmarks of Kamalia Khaddar. Khaddar is manually produced, giving it a distinct feel and appearance, in contrast to textiles made by machines. Due to the hand-spinning and hand-weaving techniques, the cloth has an unevenness that is sometimes seen as a sign of its genuineness.

Factors Influencing Shrinkage.

  1. Material Composition: Khaddar made purely from cotton is more likely to shrink compared to variations made of silk or wool. The amount that the cloth may shrink depends largely on the type of fiber used.
  2. Pre-treatment and Finishing: In order to reduce shrinking, some khaddar materials go through pre-treatment procedures. After purchase, the cloth is less likely to shrink greatly if it has been treated or pre-shrunk. Untreated khaddar, however, will shrink more significantly.
  3. Washing and Care Instructions: Khaddar’s propensity to shrink is greatly influenced by how it is cleaned and maintained. Use of a hot drier or hot water might result in noticeable shrinking. To keep the fabric’s natural size and form, it is advised to hand wash gently or to use cold water and air dry.

Managing Shrinkage.

To minimize the risk of shrinking, follow these care tips for khaddar fabric:

  • Pre-wash Before Sewing:It’s a good idea to pre-wash khaddar cloth for 4 to 6 hours if you plan to sew something with it. This ensures that the final product keeps its size by allowing it to shrink before you cut and sew.
  • Gentle Washing: Hand wash khaddar in cold water with mild detergent. Choose a mild cycle if you’re using a machine.
  • Avoid Heat: Do not use hot water or a hot dryer. Air dry the fabric by laying it flat or hanging it in a shaded area to prevent excessive shrinkage.
  • Ironing: Iron khaddar while it is still slightly damp. Use a medium heat setting and avoid direct, high heat, which can damage the fibers.

Kamalia Khaddar Suit Sizes

Normally, Kamalia Khaddar gives each suit seven meters of fabric.. This is a generous amount that will allow for proper stitching after any potential shrinkage from the fabric has occurred. The 7-meter length is particularly useful for making clothes suitable for Pakistani men’s average body sizes. This ensures that the finished item will stay well-fitting and comfortable even after shrinkage has occurred and the fabric has been pre-washed.


Yes, khaddar material can shrink, Particularly if it’s made from pure cotton and hasn’t been pre-treated, khaddar is more prone to shrinkage. However, by understanding the nature of the fabric and following proper care instructions, you can effectively manage and minimize this shrinkage. By embracing khaddar’s natural characteristics and unique texture, and handling it with care, you can enjoy the timeless appeal of this traditional fabric while preserving its quality. Kamalia Khaddar provides 7 meters of fabric per suit, ensuring you have enough material to create well-fitting garments that account for any potential shrinkage. This makes it a reliable choice for both traditional and contemporary wear.

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